The Amazing Schools Project

Building a community through education

Goals - what do we want to achieve?

When we talk about our goals, we must first think about the needs of our school community and the area we are talking about.

Our solutions must directly meet these needs and while developing our project we have to develop also the community itself. We have to meet the people where they are and allow them to grow with us. This needs time and patience. In our “About” section you can find out what the challenges are like and even more so by following our blog and all social media channels.

Minimizing the illiteracy rate in the community of Dutsen- Way from more than 75% at the moment.

Participation in basic education will so provide an opportunity for the children of Dutsen Wai towards further education with a possibility of joining universities later on.

According to Unicef statistics there are millions of boys in Northern Nigeria that are serving so called scholars under inhumane circumstances.

These boys are farming the fields of their masters, receiving lessons that are often enough pure brain wash and are very often physically abused by their masters as a traditionally well accepted form of punishment.

They have to hawk in the neighborhoods for food scraps, often enough not receiving a minimum of care and nutrition.

The Amazing Schools Project wants to bring education to the rural areas. Filling a gap in the provision of education for the rural community does not only require a different approach to schooling but also involves answering the very specific needs of the community. Our goals:

The belief that girls do not need education but rather need to get married at a very young age is unfortunately predominately in this area.

Even though  the times of the terror regime of Boko Haram are over, the traditional thinking that had once be fed by this group is still in many heads of the community.

Girls as young as 13 years will be married, being children themselves often becoming mothers at a very young age. Not being enabled to take care of themselves, the unhealthy cycle just will be continued.

Education can here work as a solution in many ways; not only the girls will be enabled by themselves to break the cycle, but they will also be able to use the acquired knowledge to reflect about themselves and might find a way out in one way or the other.

We believe that education opens all kinds of doors. It allows innovation to take place and enables people to help themselves by creating new opportunities.

Sometimes it just needs a change of perspective on a matter or challenge for a single the individual in order to be able to see solutions.

By educating the parents of our school community we want to hand the tools to the community in order to enable them not only to see new prospects but also to go for it. We also would like to reach the community in such a positive way, that they not only start appreciating education it self but also support their children and those of their tribe to go for further education.

In this journey of education we want to serve as a starting point, that at the same time grow the attractivity of the rural community in order to come back and build it up.

Building a school community in different phases

Goals for phase one (completed)

  • Gathering a school community and building trust between the rural community by providing free classes in the afternoons.
  • Understanding the educational needs of the community in Dutsen Wai.
  • Connecting educational leaders around the world for allowing the application of international best practice.

Goals for phase two (completed 2019)

  • Renting a make shift school building
  • Provision of morning and afternoon classes to rural children for free
  • Application for an educational provision license
  • Finding funding for land purchase
  • Purchasing land in the community

Goals for phase three (completed by 35%)

  • Building a new purpose built school building
  • Involving the community when building the school in order to build further trust
  • Proposing a custom made curriculum serving the specific needs of the community by applying international best practice
  • Acquiring of technical equipment in order to support teaching the curriculum
  • Training teachers for the school by using technological solutions (Skype class room, WhatsApp Group teaching, Edmodo)

Goals for phase four (starting from March 2021)

  • Moving into the new building
  • Offering classes to about 500 – 800 children
  • Developing plans for further Amazing Schools in further neighborhoods

As a long-term vision The Amazing Schools Projects seeks to reach all rural community areas of Kaduna state by providing basic education as a tool of community development.

The Amazing Schools Project wants to bring education to the rural areas. Filling a gap in the provision of education for the rural community does not only require a different approach to schooling but also involves answering the very specific needs of the community.
Phase One
Completed By 100%
Phase Two
Completed By 100%
Phase Three (started 09/2019)
Completed By 35%
Phase Four (not yet started)
Completed By 0%
The Amazing school project started about two years ago in Dutsen-Wai. It all started from just teaching rural children under a tree, before we moved to a shed. In April 2018 the school moved into a makeshift building. We have grown from a small population of just about 20 students when we first started to about 400 students now -from just one teacher to 5 teachers now. Look here at our goals.